In-patient health care benefits

Our In-patient health care benefits cover admission to any private hospital within our network of healthcare providers at cost. We pay for the hospital bill and any associated costs from these benefits.

Our health plans provide the following benefits subject to pre-authorisation:

In-country ambulance service

We cover in-country ambulance transport from the scene of the emergency to the nearest available medical facility.


We cover the costs related to elective circumcision.

Costs related to the circumcision of a newborn will be covered from the major medical benefits as part of the maternity package authorised and performed immediately after the birth before the discharge of the mother.

Neonatal Care

We cover neonatal care required for a new-born baby.

Specialised radiology

We provide benefits for specialised radiology required in or out of hospital, such as CT and MRI scans.

External medical appliances

We cover wheelchairs, glucometers, hearing aids, low-vision appliances and large orthopaedic orthotics (for example, a back brace).

Psychiatric hospitalisation

We cover the costs of psychiatric treatment received as an inpatient in a psychiatric unit of a hospital. All treatment must be administered under the supervision of a registered psychiatrist.

Out-patient health care benefits

Our out-patient health benefits cover day-to-day medical treatment that does not require hospitalisation. We provide benefits for the following treatment and services:

International Emergency Evacuations

We provide benefits for transportation in the case of an emergency medical condition.

We pay for the transportation costs from the country where the emergency medical condition occurs to the nearest, appropriate medical facility within the member’s area of cover (based on their chosen health plan).

The nearest medical facility may be within the country where the emergency medical condition occurs.

International emergency medical evacuation (ambulance and air travel)**

We pay your transport costs for evacuation from the country where the emergency medical condition occurs to the nearest available medical facility on the African continent.

This benefit is available on the Essence, Core Care, Traditional, Classic and Plus Africa plans.

Compassionate travel and accommodation costs

We will fund 3 nights’ accommodation for an accompanying adult if required.

Transfer to country of residence

We provide benefits to transport you to your country of residence on the African continent, following an international emergency medical evacuation, provided that we pre-authorise these costs before you travel.

Return of remains of the deceased

We cover the preparation and transport of your remains from the place of death to your home country, should you or your beneficiaries die during an international emergency medical evacuation.

This applies provided that your home country is in your area of cover.


  • Requires pre-authorisation and approval by our Medical Adviser.
  • The medical condition must be a serious or life-threatening emergency medical condition that requires immediate evacuation.
  • The purpose of evacuation will be to avoid death or serious impairment of the insured person’s immediate or long-term health.
Download complete benefit table

Existing members can visit the login section of our website to view their available benefits.