These clever ideas will help you save big on everyday expenses without depriving you of life’s pleasures
Think you can live large in today’s economy? Dream on. The chaos brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic affected economies worldwide – and the consequences are still being felt.
This change in fortunes has forced many of us to re-evaluate our lives and our relationships. We’ve had to reconsider what value we bring to our work and living spaces – and we’ve had to be intentional about how we cut costs both at work and at home. Is that even possible?
Before you resign yourself to a life of having to pinch every penny, take heart: there are ways to stick to a budget that still includes some perks and fun times. Try these practical ideas to help you cut your spending on groceries and entertainment without sacrificing the socialising and other good stuff.
Grocery guru:
- Meal prep like a pro: Plan your meals for the week and create a grocery list you can stick to. This will help you avoid impulse buys and food wastage. Bonus points for choosing versatile ingredients you can use in multiple dishes.
- Use the feezer: Freeze fruits and veggies when they’re on sale, and stock up on frozen protein when it’s a good deal.
- Befriend Discount Shopping: Going to Cash & Carry shops and markets to buy goods in bulk is a great money-saving option. You can also turn this into a communal activity, through a sharing scheme for instance, to make your money go even further.
- Think outside the supermarket box: Explore farmers’ markets for fresh produce at a fraction of the price, and join community-supported agriculture programmes for seasonal bounty.
Entertainment extravaganza (on a budget):
- Explore free (and fabulous) things: Parks, museums with free admission days, and community events offer endless entertainment possibilities without breaking the bank.
- Join communities: Check out what groups and societies there are in your area that you can join. If you don’t see one you like, start one and create your own niche community.
- Game nights with a twist: Host bring-and-share dinners or game nights with friends where everyone brings a dish or activity. It’s social, fun, and way cheaper than going out.
- Binge-watch with benefits: Many streaming services offer free trials or student discounts. Explore your options and find the perfect platform that fits your budget. The internet means you have more options for cheaper prices, so do your research.
Remember: saving money doesn’t have to feel painful. With a little creativity and some clever thinking, you can stretch your budget further and still enjoy the good things in life.