We recognise that being diagnosed with cancer can be a devastating experience and that that you need regular, ongoing support during this time of your life. By registering with our Oncology Benefit Programme, we offer you and your healthcare provider access to oncology benefits and support from the outset of your treatment up to and including one year into your remission.
Why register with the Oncology Benefit Programme?
We have a dedicated team of Clinical Advisers and Case Managers, who are available to discuss, review and approve funding for your Oncology treatment together with your doctor or specialist.
As a result, we will pay for appropriate, evidence-based oncology medication and treatment, including associated treatment without co-payments. Payment is also based on your available benefits and your health insurance Policy Conditions.
By registering with the Oncology Benefit Programme, your qualifying claims will be paid from the Oncology Benefit, ensuring that your Day-to-day benefits will last longer.
If you have been diagnosed with cancer, please apply for enrolment on the Programme as soon as possible, as registration is not automatic.